We at Hope Acupuncture of East Brunswick, NJ would like to invite you to experience the health benefit of Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine.  Based upon the theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine, We believe a holistic medical approach which recognizes the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual causes to your health conditions. No matter you have a chronic condition or a recent injury or just want to achieve optimal health,  we encourage you to try this safe, natural and powerful treatment to alleviate illness and to restore best quality of life. 

The ancient healing art of Traditional Chinese Medicine has been around for 3000 years. It has been approved to be effective and safe via the clinic experiences of generations of practitioners. While it may sound mysterious, we take time to listen to your concerns, communicate our treatment plan, educate and explain as clearly as possible. 


Tel: 732-509-9196


190 RT 18 N, Suite 200

East Brunswick, NJ 08816

Office Hours: Monday - Saturday